Mummy's water broke around midnight on March 1. Mummy was very anxious, as she totally did not expect I had decided to come out two weeks earlier! After Mummy and Daddy rushed to the hospital, at the hospital they noticed that Mummy had high blood pressure and decided to keep Mummy under their care until I was born. Mummy started having strong contractions after about 24 hours. Considering side effects of pain relief drugs, Mummy had decided not to use any except air and gas. She was kept in the maternity ward, and tried very hard to control the pain and not to make to much noise as she was sharing the room with three other mummies-to-be. While Mummy was still in strong pain, Daddy was asked to leave the maternity ward, as he was not allow to stay overnight according to hospital policy. The midwife did not know how long it would take before Mummy was ready to be moved to the labour ward. Just after Daddy the hospital on his way home, Mummy rang the midwife and asked for pain relief drug, she told the midwife, "I can not take it anymore", then finally the midwife decided to move Mummy to the labour ward.
After Midwife carried out internal examination for Mummy, she told Mummy "it is too late to have pain relief as YOU ARE FULLY DILATED". Mummy went very quite suddenly, as if all the pain had been gone. I think she was waiting for Daddy. After Daddy came back to the labour ward, Mummy started to "push" me out. With my little help, it only took us half an hour! Daddy cut my cord nervously, and then I was handed to Mummy. It was really special as I had skin-to-skin contact with Mummy! See how cute I am, cannot help it, as I am born this way!