October has been another busy month, I continue attending baby sing along, baby gym, and all sorts of baby groups. I enjoy looking at other babies, holding their arms and touching their faces. It is really fun to go to shops and parks. I also love to sleep in the buggy when we are out and about.
Getting ready to go out!

Taking picture with Bambis in the park

I still enjoy my solid food, Mummy has spent a lot of time preparing them, and I show my appreciation by eating them all! I also start feeding myself, I especially love rice cake for tea time.
Enjoying my dinner

Feeding myself with Rice cake

I love sitting on my high chair

Every Friday, Mummy will take me shopping, and we will have tea time at Mummy's favorite coffee shop, I have my rice cake and Mummy has her big fat cake.
October has also been a very important month for me. I have reached more development milestones-
I can now crawl around with "full" speed, I can crawl from my play area to the kitchen to give Mummy a surprised hello, or crawl by the garden door to watch Daddy doing stuff in the back garden. I think you can say I have mastered crawling!
Doing Yoga like Mummy... Downward dog

Crawling everywhere...

I can also stand up by myself, with holding something around me. I am very excited about my new skill, I practice it a lot, so whatever I see that can be the aid for me to stand I put my hands on it. This is somehow not so good news for Mummy and Daddy, as I love to do it in my cot, once I found myself in the cot, I don't mean to sleep, but stand up!
Preparing to stand up One two Three!

Look at me looke at me, I can stand up!

See how proud I am!

Let's see what Mummy hides inside here

Another very big thing for me is I got 2 teeth!!!