Are you wondering how old I am now? I will be 17 months old in one week and my life is full of action and opinions now.
I have start walking around before my first birthday, and now I not only can walk but also run! I love running and pushing the cart in the garden, I even can do the turn so when something is in the way, it won't lower my speed.

I have also officially said bye bye to breast milk when I was 13 months old. One day Mummy told me: "OK Sophie, I think it is about time we move on, and no more break milk today". And then I moved on and never looked back. It turns out surprisingly easy for Mummy.
There was a dramatically change of our life after Mummy went back to work in the beginning of June. Part of my day I am not with Mummy anymore, it took a few weeks for me to get used to it. Technically, I have started hanging out with Sue (Nanny) since mid-April. Mummy told me that to be in the difference environment is good for me, so we have to stay strong and trying to learn not to be with each other all the time. I started few hours with Nanny and now I am "full-time" with her, which means 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Big relief for Mummy and Daddy, I enjoy so much with Nanny few weeks after our first session. I made good friends with 3-year old girl Summer, and her brother, 5-year old boy Kyle, they are the children Nanny also looks after part time. I have stop crying when Mummy dropped me off in the mornings, instead I just cuddle with Nanny and then Kyle and Summer when they are also there. Depends my mood, I sometimes wave bye bye to Mummy with a big smile. I love playing in Nanny's garden, she has a very big garden with all the garden toys and equipment for little kids like me. I got very nice tan now, thank you for this unusual British sunny Summer. Nanny took me to the various baby groups, and I will sit down with all other children and having a tea time and playing together. Being with Nanny also means I have started to learn English(properly), Mummy speaks to me in Madrian and Daddy in Swedish, and we try not to speak English at home. And now, I communicate with Nanny in English very well. I say to Nanny "No more" when I finish my water, or "More" if I am still hungry, I say "Tack" when I receive something, I also call her "Nanny" and call "Summer". There are more words I can say in English, but I only speak to Nanny as we don't use Englis at home. My first word in Madrian is "gou gou" (dog), and "boll" in Swedish (ball).
Since I have start moving around, I learn I can do lots of things without help. I now can buckle up the harness of my buggy, I just need to be put in, and I INSIST to buckle myself. I don't want to hold anyone's hands when we are walking around, and I also insist to eat, and put on the sucks and shoes myself.
Enjoy my new pictures, they are ranged from 14 to 17 months..
Let me show you how to eat a Pear!

Playing hide and see with Mummy

Pushing my pram

Sunndy day in our garden

Why there is no water coming out?!

This is my favoriate sitting spot in the house

Do you like my new look?

let's put on our new sunglasses, Amy!

Riding Muse..

Lunch out in Hever Castle..

I am grumpy..

Daddy is my biggest toy!

First time trying ice cream..

um.. Ice cream is so good!

Day out with Olive in the park

Have you seen my new desk.. I love it!

My new car seat..Love it too!

Walking my little dog..