I know what you all are thinking; that cake looks delicious! and you are right, it was really yummy. Mummy made me a big birthday cake for my birthday party. I invited all my little friends and we had a lot of fun. It was so big mummy and daddy decided to host my party at our church. At the party we had food to munch on and toys to play with. Mummy and daddy even got me a bouncing castle and daddy filled it with baloons. My friends had a lot of fun jumping around in it. This is me getting ready for my party. Mummy and daddy was running around like headless chickens and I pushed around my buggy making sure my friends will have toys to play with.
Here I am preparing my alphabet puzzle. It is not only good to learn all the letters, the are also soft to sit on :).
Here I am with daddy blowing out the candles. Ok, the candles are out. Can we start munchie-munchie my cake now?
My party was a success and I am just a happy and exicted two year old little girl.
Here I am happy and excited showing off my work I did with my play doh. Play doh is so much fun and I play with it all the time.
One day daddy took me to the museum when mummy was studying. It was a lot of fun. I saw all kind of animals from monkys to foxes and all kind of birds. There was even a walrus..... it was sooo big. This is me running around in the museum.
and here is a hoohoo, some people call them owls by some reason but I think hoohoo is much more appropriate. 
I had do look around here for quite some time before I found anything.... and there was a big frog in there. Hello mr. Frog, my name is Sophie.
Hey daddy, there is a fish, fisk, fish, fisk.......
This is me checking out the National Maritime Museum

I am exploring the museum, and as you can see, I brought my go-go along as well

Once done in the museum I am running around outside, the weather was so nice and daddy gave me a parrot. I have a black belt in negotiation skills and strategies so I always get what I want, hehe. 

After the museum it was time for me to have my lunch. I love Italian food, sooo yummy!

This is me and my friend Joshua. We are good friends; here we are at messy church. We decided to play with the balls 

When you play a lot you need to eat a lot. This is me and Joshua at the end of messy church. We had a lot of fun and are wrapping it up with some food.

Mummy and Daddy decided to re-build the bath room. I was the first one trying it out. See how happy I am not having to be in the old one