Wednesday, 13 May 2009


I haven't show too much interest in any toys yet. Mummy and Daddy heard that playmat is a good toy for the tiny baby like me, believing can help to stimulate and encourage my development. They picked up a playmat when I was two month old. I am loving it now and spend more and more time on it, Mummy and Daddy are happy too because now they have a little bit free time when I am awake!

What is this little thing?

More staring...

I am ready to touch it!

Hi! Little friend, Bee Bee...

I hit it!


  1. Sophie 長好大了。看起來不像只有快三個月耶~真漂亮^^

  2. Hi Snoopy! Thank you for checking me out! I just concentrate on growing...My weight is almost double now!

  3. mai,你家的沙發,地毯都是白的嗎?不敢想像sophie開始有行動力之後會變成什麼色... 妙~

  4. Ha.. our 2 sofas are washable, and another one is leather.. well, everything will be very colorful for sure later :)
