Happy sixth anniversary, Mummy and Daddy!
November was a very wet month here in England. We were kind of enjoying staying at home rather than going out and about. While I spent so much time at home, my "territory" in the house has expended. Now the layout of our living room, kitchen, and dining room are all changed because Mummy and Daddy moved all the stuff that I am interested and they don't like to see me around them. How boring they are !!! But anyways, I have investigated almost all the items that I can reach. Every morning I will start from taking out all the items in the kitchen cabinets, play each item and maybe put it in my month, and then I will move to the living room, take out all the books from the shelf and pull the drawer from the coffee table. I usually redo all these many times a day.
Massing around in the kitchen

Helping Mummy doing the laundry

I am everywhere in the house

Be the company with Daddy

Showing Daddy how to type

Take one more photo before night night..

Bathing is getting really busy

Ummm, yummy!

Looking out front garden, hum very grey....

Enjoying Reading

On the days when the sun came to see us, Mummy took me out. We have been more adventurous this month, shopping is not enough for me anymore. So we took a walk in South Bank by Thames, and paid a visit to Tate museum( for our tea time), and National Gallery! Mummy believes (or hopes) I will love art, but I just fell asleep or played my toys in my pram all the time. We had great fun when we went out, I enjoy watching people walking around, car and bus driving by. I especially love to stare at people in the train or bus, they always smile friendly back to me :)
With Allegra at Tate

In front of the National Gallery

Checking out the people and cars

X'mas warm up

What should we order for dinner?

At Olive's first birthday party

Before I turned to nine month, I had my weight and height measured, I am finally 8kg now(after staying in 7 for like 3 months), and 75cm tall. I always got some comments from people first met saying I am a tall girl. Mummy always say I have very nice long legs...he he he...
Oh, you might be curious how I settle with my own room? I settle very well, which Mummy and Daddy are very happy about! Daddy came to see me in the middle of nights if I woke up and cried, and he will sing "Five little Docks" for me, depends on how good he sings, sometimes I will fall asleep, sometimes I will want to play. Anyhow, I am sleeping very well during the nights now, some good nights I can sleep like 10 hours straight! It is such a good news for Mummy and Daddy!
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