Over Christmas, I had two more teeth and another two teeth in January, so now I have four up and two down. They help me eating faster, I can eat finger food like meat balls, and potatoe wedges. The amount of food I can eat each meal increased a lot as well, but somehow I am still quite slim! I don't have any secrets to keep this slim, just becuase I had a cold in Sweden and then a stomach flu in Feb., Mummy thinks I lost all my baby fat! Therefore I am catching up eating now but no worries, I am quite heathy.
I enjoy my food

I can do few more things, like climbing the stairs and 2 weeks ago I had my first step. Before Mummy and Daddy know it, I managed to walk from our kitchen to living room all by myself last night! I can also clap my hands, which I mastered before X'mas. I clap my hands when I got really happy and excited, like when I see my favoriate rice cake. But somehow I don't clap my hands anymore after I can wave, now I wave when I hear "bye bye" or "hello", or just when I see my Teddy and Gymbo.
I also love to paly "Peek-a-boo", I use blanket or my clothes to cover my head and play with Mummy. It is also fun to hide things in the bags or some hidden area and look for them!

I love to climb up the stairs..

I can understand some simple words, when Mummy said "bao bao" (means cuddle), I will cuddle with Mummy, my teddy or Gymbo. I say some words, such as mama, dada, papa, baba, and yii. Sometimes I say thing like vala, only I understand what it means, hehe..

I joined Gymboree in January, I enjoy it very much to play there and seeing so many other tiny people like me.
I always fell asleep on they way to Gymboree

Playing in Gymboree

Snack time before the class...


Having fun with Daddy in the cafe

My last picture taken in 2009.. Bye bye 2009!

Busy doing the laundry

Hey Mummy, you're taking my picture!

Uhm... where is Daddy?

This bottle has became my favoriate bathing toy

Look what I got here Mummy?! My socks!

I love to be lift high

Daddy made a lovely cake for Mummy's birthday, and I am busy to help Daddy to cut it!

Thank you for sharing my first year with me. My first year was full of tears, laugh, surprise and love. It was not easy for Mummy and Daddy, but we all enjoy every minute together.
Happy Birthday Sophie! If you want to check out what Moa is doing you can read our blog beaochfilip.blogspot.com it is in swedish so you have to ask your dad to translate.