It has been a really long time since my last update, I hope everyone is doing as well as I am. I had my very first birthday, which was really nice. Most of my little friends came to my party and we had a good time together. Daddy and Mummy made my cake the whole morning before the party, it was a really big cake, and of course it is a pinkish cake! There were three layers with blue berries, rasberries, and it was so good that Benji's daddy had three pieces. Mummy also gave me a small piece, this is pretty much my first time eating sweet stuff, and I really love it.
Here I am waiting for my first cake...

and here daddy is coming with it :)

Waiting whole day for this moment, we finanlly can cut the cake..

Big and yummy!!

Thank you mummy!

Opening my first gift..

My little friends: Shanlin and Amy

End of my party, saying bye bye to Olive but I am really tired...

I still enjoy reading very much but I do not need mummy or daddy read with me. I pick up, open the book myself and laugh when I see something funny. I especially love to read when I am sitting on the potty.

Can you see what I am reading? It is about a man called Bush..

Mummy got me this new baby trolley, I love it very much, and I bring my bear or Gymbo and push it around everywhere!

Hugging and kissing Snowman, Auntie sent it all the way from Taiwan!

Day out with Mummy and Daddy

Gymboree time...They made me to push the air log!

Sometimes I really wonder what daddy is doing?

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